

Race Information

Race Briefing

6.45am @ Race Headquarters

Start time

Marathon, and Half Marathon races start together (it’s quite chilly at this time of morning so jumpers, gloves and beanies are a great addition).


Prizes awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd male & female overall.
Medals presented to 1st in each age category: 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, over 60 years.

running mudgee marathon

2024 Entry Fees

Early Bird

Entries before 30 June
$ 110
  • Includes t-shirt


Entries 1 July - 31 July
$ 120

Last Minute

Entries 1 Aug - 19 Aug
$ 130


Our Marathoners and Half Marathoner start together, initially running North then, turning left on to Pitts lane and out towards Putta Bucca Wetlands.
There’s a gentle slow climb with a couple of dips before heading past Lowe Wines and on a relatively flat road until you reach Back Springs Road.
From here get ready for another climb to the highest point on your run. Turnaround is at the top of Lowes Peak Road. As you head back into town there is a detour down School’s Lane for 1.5km before turning around and rejoining Black Springs Road. 

You may wonder why we didn’t extend the course instead of adding School’s Lane. Rather than sending you down a steep decline only to climb back up again, we chose to add a 3km flat extension. We think it’s a bit friendlier this way. You can thank us later! 🙂

On this out and back course, we’ll have additional aid stations and lots of friendly and enthusiastic volunteers cheering you on!
Download a PDF version of the map here.

marathon elevation map

Mudgee Running Festival Marathon Map
mudgee marathon race
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